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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Andrea Pirlo and Nicola Ventola Old Interview (translation)

Source: J> YOUNG BLOODS (out of print magazine)
Access to Written: MINATO
Japanese in Translator: HANA

 + + Italy - Ventura and Pirlo + +

World's fresh blood, the top in the top, have been playing with national team  of all ages ,
Ventura and Pirlo ,in private life were roommate which spent three months living together .

Ventola's thoughts was clear as he speak, at first glance. In contrast, Andrea Pirlo, looked nothing of interest no matter what he heard. Although the character is totally different, but the tacit agreement of the two is seamless. (Just ignore the part of the hammer?: P) We go on the shoulder in the next AZZURRI young people to talk about them from the football concept to the type of girl they like, everything about them.

01 Joy and sorrrow

Ventola : November 2, 1997, a knee injury, the injury is very serious, for seven months  I had to leave the stadium at that time I even think about my football life ended. Fortunately, I revert to the state where i can play, really lucky. (injured again in 2002 ...)
Pirlo : You come back, scored a goal in the first game, right?
Ventola: right. Before experienced so painful period of time, so the goal is indeed very pleased, if we say so far most I am pleased to recall, is probably the goal. Andre do you?
Pirlo: probably the goal of Brescia promotion to the Seria A (1998 season). The last game in the league (Serie b) to determine the cut, and that game is my goal. I went to the auditorium next to the fans to share all the joy. Was the greatest moment.
Ventola: painful memories?
Pirlo: As a football player talking about painful things is not been given the opportunity to play!

02 Desire

Ventola: In fact, my father's physical condition is very bad, so my father can beat the disease back to health is my greatest wish.
Pirlo: I hope your dad can get better soon.
Ventola: Thank you. What's Andre's desire?
Pirlo: My wish is very simple, to live in peace with the family, sister to be happy. Then, if with girlfriend all goes well, better yet (laughs). (Smooth though, when the girlfriend is now his wife.)

03 Advantages and disadvantages

Pirlo: Nicola advantages is physical ability.
Ventola: ah. The strength and speed is my selling point. Also, I headed quite confident! The drawback is that technology, if no further hone their skills, can not survive in a world-class standards.
Pirlo: I am confident of technology. I want my dish the ball better than others.
Ventola: the disadvantages?
Pirlo: There's a lot of shortcomings , such as not involved in defense, and so on. In modern football it will become a fatal flaw, not slowly learn a little is not enough. (Defensive now still is his shortcomings ...)

04 Vision

Ventola: I have a vision of Rudy Voller, to play in Rome, I was his super fans. When i was a child I was a Roma fans! (Rudy Voller, the German national team to teach.)
Pirlo: You are not the Barry home fans ?
Ventola: Of course I also support Barry! But still looking forward to a strong team, right? Andrea you talk about it, who is your idol?
Pirlo: Robbie (Baggio, the confession of love as usual: p) is the idol of Italy, so doesn't matter (laughs). But this season for me really is a very special season, because people can now look forward to playing together. Robbie will not be specific to teach me to do this and that, as long as they watched him play, we can learn a lot.

05 Dream

Pirlo: The dream is to get all the trophies. To get the league title, Champions League, World Cup you want to win.
Ventola: You're so greedy (laughs).
Pirlo: All football players will think like that.
Ventola: too. That this is the case, I would like to add an Olympic champion. (Failed: p)
Pirlo: Yes. But first win in the qualifiers because I want starred in the Sydney Olympics.
Ventola: in any case I want to go to the Olympic. Saw on television the past it has a unique atmosphere, I want to try for themselves the kind of feeling. 06 overseas and transfer
Ventola: If you can, I would like to stayed on to Italy to play, however, had to go overseas development, then I would choose Spain.
Pirlo: Because the sun with beach?
Ventola: Hey, Barry, also have the sun with the beach! Only this is not the reason to do so! That Andre you decide?
Pirlo: I probably will go to Spain!
Ventola: What? Not the same!
Pirlo: Spain's style of football is not the same with Italy, right? Italian football always physical and physical collision of the game, at this point, I feel the football in Spain there are left some let the fantasista (generally translated into the midfield magician, that is, manipulation of the full capacity of the midfield) play space, so I would think that Spain is pretty good.

07 Likes and dislikes

Ventola: I like cooking PASTA AL PESTO (Genoa wind pasta), very nice to eat!
Pirlo: I also pasta. One of my favorite Pasta AI QUATTRO FORMAGGIO (combine of four cheese Omo), because I hardly eat anything, not particularly annoying ... ah, only not ARTICHOKE! (Artichokes. A very common ingredients, with the unpalatable taste can not understand! Do not iron teeth trying! Its unpalatable extreme lingering residual mouth after eating the terrible taste.)
Ventola: Me too! ARTICHOKE is not something to eat! !

08 Interest

Ventola: My interest is the computer. But am busy with soccer, there is no focus on the interest at the time. Same when in high school, can't study properly. I want to register for University of correspondence courses, a good education. (studied, but did not graduate.)
Pirlo: So great
Ventola: Nope. What is your favourite?
Pirlo: Mine was shopping and tennis. I played tennis quite well!

09 Leave

Pirlo: I spent the holiday on the beach sunbathing, as well as to the DISCO ...
Ventola: DISCO? Milan ?
Pirlo: Milan is the place where I work, i go when i go back to Brescia.What about you?
Ventola: Half of the holidays with family spent the rest of the half went to travel. Like Sardinia is very good !

10 Favorite songs

Pirlo: I like the song of the Italian or foreign. Now like LIGABUE with VASCO's ROSSI. Japan's music? Never heard of it. Chinese songs i heard before ......
Ventola: I, too, listen to everything as long as the music i like.
Pirlo: like what kind of song?
Ventola: not so much like , might as well say the mood to choose the songs. Like during sad time,it's possible to listen to some lively songs to transform the mood.

11 Type of girl they like (Skip it anyway, married, in short, two people are married to their favorite type of girl.)

12 Analysis each other's character

Ventola: Like Andre it's strange that your outer appearance is different from your inside? He gives people the feeling that seems quite, cautious calm and shy youth, right? However, the intrinsic is exactly the opposite! Very stubborn, unexpecatble, but also self-willed! Can see that in football such a character, he played great when high mood, but when bad mood...
Pirlo: a gross exaggeration? It is nonsense. Obviously things always get exaggerated when things are not like that .
Ventola: I did not made a very bold claim! I am just being normal ok? Go to this guy's apartment, I was scared too! The kitchens have a bunch of leftovers, in the room the clothes are all over.
Pirlo: Do ​​not be so talkative! (Note: In earlier interview from this article, Pirlo claim Ventola is unorganize when they stay together. So the messiness of the two should be the same :p)

13 Weakness

Ventola: I hate plane.
Pirlo: Football players have to travel often, you can't avoid that right?
Ventola: I know .... but still very scary.
Pirlo: So, the previous away games before flight you seem pray everytime?
Ventola: Because it's terrible ! You are afraid of something, right?
Pirlo: death ! (Laughs)
Ventola: What an answer ! You are just pretend to be cool!

14 Want

Pirlo: play (laughs).
Ventola: This is not funny.
Pirlo: Because of many foreign players at Inter so it's expected our appearances will be very limited, but I still hope they can let us play.
Ventola: it is not all bad to give to foreigners, even if the position was taken away by top players, it's understandable. Even Italian players and foreign players of similar ability, the coach will let foreign players on pitch . This kind of thing is really unacceptable. Italian league, I think should have more Italians to play.
Pirlo: We are very young players, being able to play the game play is very important, this is a very practical problem.
Ventola: Vieri play football eight years in the eight teams , but he always had a chance to play, Vieri will be able to play the game to gain experience, hone the skills, the result he became a big star. We also want to be like him to have a place to accumulated the experience. All in all, I want to play.

15 Japan's youth team

Pirlo: World Youth Championship held in Nigeria, I saw in the TV. Japan is a very good team, I'm a little surprised!
Ventola: 2002 Japan will host the World Cup, so the standard of football in Japan will be more progressive?
Pirlo: We can not lose! In order to go to Japan in 2002, we have to refuel.
Ventola: First, to obtain position in their respective ranks.
Pirlo: In addition to efforts to exercise coach recognition of our ability, there's no other way.

 Source: Taken & translate from                                         

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