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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best Christmas Gift- A Gift Of Wealth To A Friend

 Fast Profits In Hard Times by Jordan Goodman Book Review

The Best Christmas Gift you can give to your friend is none other than create wealth. Fast Profits In Hard Times by Jordan Goodman is a very special book that everyone can benefit from in any time of their life expecially in this economy. This book is about 10 strategies to make you rich in an up or down economy.

I first heard of this book is when i was attending T Harv Eker's Never Work Again Seminar in Singapore in June 2009. This was a fantastic event and i have the chance to listen to Jordan Goodman's Speech. Fast Profits In Hard Times is the only thing i bought from the seminar and i waited two months to get the book ship to my door.

In Fast Profits in Hard Time Jordan Goodman share about 10 strategy ti profit in good and bad economy  which are
Investing In Tax Liens and Deeds
Build Wealth Fast with Below Market Value Real Estate
Cash In With Income Trusts and Master Limited Partnership
Earn Fast with High Yield Equities
DRIPing Your Way To Wealth
Bonds and More Bonds
Hedging Your Bets with Options
Earning Fast Profits from Foreign Exchange
Tapping With Cash Flow
Profit With Doing Nothing: Passive Income Strategies

There's a saying teach a person to fish is better than giving them fish. Teaching your love one to create wealth is the best gift they will ever have. I hope to share with you about this book next time. Enjoy the holiday season.

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